Invest for Him.

Have you ever inspected the investments in your portfolio?
For myself the answer was no and my guess the answer for you would be the same. The real question is why don’t we inspect our investment portfolios to find out more about the companies we have ownership in? Likely because know one has taught us to. You will be shocked to find out the most popular stocks found throughout our investment portfolios are involved in selling, profiting and supporting abortion, pornography, alcohol, gambling, tobacco, anti-family values, anti-family entertainment and human rights violations. As an owner of these stocks, we are unknowingly tangled in the profits from sin. Think about this, anytime we make large investments we inspect them to make sure we are making a wise investment. Have you ever bought a home without inspecting it? Have you ever invested in a business venture without understanding how the business was going to return your investment back to you? We believe being a good steward involves inspecting the companies we own within our investment portfolios and retirement accounts to find out what they are selling for profits and what organizations they are supporting with those profits. This investment screening process is called Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI). You will find a whole lot more on our site on how you can connect your biblical values with your investments and screening out all the problematic issues from your investment accounts.
Biblically Responsible Investing isn’t a new concept, rather it started with a mutual fund for a church retirement plan back in the mid-90’s. Since then, more and more tools, systems, processes and technology have allowed Biblically Responsible Investing to explode worldwide in a movement changing how believers invest the gifts/resources God has given them to steward.
If the concept of BRI is new to you, join the club. We weren’t taught BRI in church or in bible studies, so it’s not till you are introduced to the concept before your eyes can be opened and BRI revealed to you. We believe and trust God will reveal to you in a personal and distinct way today how you should see your investments going forward.
Immediately upon hearing the issues we have in our investment portfolios and hearing the BRI message, investors have had the same reaction we did when we first were introduced to Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI).
We are thankful for the opportunity to share what God has put on our hearts and our mission to inform as many believers as we can about the process/concept of Biblically Responsible Investing.
Without further to do, throw out the idea that you should only be concerned about investing to obtain the greatest amount of return for the amount of risk you are willing to take. We have been programmed to think and invest this way because believers haven’t been introduced or shown any different options: to accomplish their investment & retirement goals, such as BRI. The BRI process can provide you with a portfolio that aligns with God’s heart, without sacrificing returns. We like to ask the question, “if you can achieve similar investment returns that you are getting now, but screen out all the problematic issues, what do you have to lose in changing your investments to a BRI strategy?”
Past performance doesn’t guarantee future results and as with any investment, there is the risk of investment losses or gains.
Biblically Responsible Investing

Investment Management
Biblically Responsible retirement and individual investment management is available for 401k’s, 403b’s, IRA’s, Individual/Brokerage Accounts, etc.

Retirement Planning
Have you ever wondered if are on track to retire on your own terms? Proverbs 15:22, plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed. We can help with a Biblical Approach to retirement planning.

Financial Education
Let us guide you step by step on what it means to have a Biblically Responsible Investment Portfolio. Proverbs 12:15, the way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.

Mobile Management
We offer the latest technology so you can stay connected.

Asset Strategy
Diversify your investments while connecting them with the biblical values you hold as truth.
Our Mission Is to further Biblically Responsible Investing.

Past performance doesn’t guarantee future results. Romans 12:2 tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Our goal is to challenge you to transform the way you view the investments God has entrusted you to steward for His Kingdom and His Glory, Amen

12551 Indian Rocks Road
Suite 4
Largo, FL 33774